Design, outdoors, projects, travel, general curiosity.

Distorted Reality

  • Have we gone too far?
  • When social media becomes a big part of your life, what does reality become?
    • What is happening here and now?
    • What is happening immediately in front of you?
  • Social media isn’t a government psyop, but it defines what we expect from ourselves. Are we living for ourselves or for others?
  • Social media is a lazy way to stay connected.
    • Posting photos of your dinner and your dog and your trip and your relationship is convenient and fun, sure.
      • Are you really connecting through that, though?
      • Are you really up to date with your friends and family?
      • How often do you talk to others on the phone?
      • Does social media catalyze corporeal relationships or restrict them?
  • Does opening instagram make you feel good?
    • Does tiktok make you feel good?
    • Does Strava make you feel good?
    • Quick dopamine hits can be fun, sure. And I’ve had tons of fun on tiktok watching funny videos, relatable videos, and sharing those with friends, too. But the fun, as good as it is, is fleeting. Is this helping me build a fulfilling life?
      • Is fun more meaningful when you’ve had to put effort into it?
  • Comparison is the thief of joy
  • Dead internet theory
    • Where is the space for individualism and uniqueness when we’re all lining up for the same attention?
    • Social media has become a form of an advertising channel, similar to TV, billboards, radio.
  • I miss when the internet was a place

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